Asset Management

Our Asset Management strategy is designed to achieve the highest likelihood of long-term success in investing by focusing on strategic asset allocation. This critical decision involves determining the correct composition of assets in your portfolio to ensure optimal returns.

Core Capital takes into account historical return and risk data from various asset classes, their correlations and variability, and our assessment of their likely future returns. We prioritize maintaining a well-balanced asset allocation to avoid the common pitfall of frequent buying and selling in an attempt to outsmart the market.

Once we have established the overall investment strategy together, we employ sophisticated analytical methods to identify, implement, and continually monitor the most suitable investment solutions within each asset class. Furthermore, our extensive network enables Core Capital to offer access to exclusive investment opportunities that are often unavailable to other investors.

Benefits for your business

Client-First Philosophy

Core Capital is a partner owned firm – free from any ties to financial institutions whose interests may be different to yours.

Partner-Owned Independence

We are paid by you and apply a “same side of the table” approach in a conflict free way.

Best Solution Promise

Our objective is to deliver the optimal and transparent financial solution to you no matter the supplier.

Optimal Financial Transparency

We ensure that administrative issues with your bank are treated correctly and in a disciplined way.

Transparent Financial Excellence

Nothing can replace experience and consistency. Within our team we draw upon business and investing experience dating back to 1980’s which will serve you well.

Independent Financial Advice

Core Capital has no in-house funds or “products” that we try to sell to our clients.